The A new life abroad Appraisal – your first step to a new life abroad.
We and our "Accredited Agents" cannot over-emphasise the importance of the Appraisal process and the impact it can have on achieving your objectives.
Stage 1:
Please read the following information below before proceeding to the appraisal request form.
1. We and our "Accredited Agents" are international relocation specialists who can help you relocate from the UK to the USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand and others. We specialise in helping anyone who wants to relocate to another country.
2. Emigration laws are highly complex. Most countries have numerous categories of visas and work permits and the appraisal helps us to identify the right one for you.
3. Visa issuing authorities assess each case on its merits. We and our "Accredited Agents" need to appraise your situation to assess the best way to achieve your aims.
4. We have a unique legal team that specialises in immigration laws and a client management team that advises on every aspect of relocation from start to finish.
5. Your Appraisal will be undertaken personally by one of our experienced consultants and, or our "Accredited Agents" because we feel that every one of our clients deserves the full attention of a trained expert.
6. We will send you a client profile to enable you to provide us with the necessary details about yourself.
7. This will be followed by several phone calls to discuss it with you, get additional information, and fine-tune a proposed route. We don’t telephone your place of work to avoid any embarrassment and prefer to phone evenings 6pm through 9pm. Our helpline is open 24 hours every day.
8. All in all, you will benefit from probably 3 to 4 hours of consultancy and your appraisal will encompass:
Evaluation of the information you have provided in your Client Profile. Researching the alternative options available to you. Discussing all the above with you and agreeing your personal relocation programme. Producing a written Appraisal Report to explain the recommended options, associated costs and time scales.
Stage 2:
You’re now ready to take the first step towards your new life abroad. Click Book now to access the appraisal request form and request your detailed Client Profile online.
The cost of taking the first step to a new life abroad is just £99.95 (which covers the whole family)...for which you receive a full appraisal of your chances of successful relocation to the country, or countries, of your choice, and recommends the best way forward.
And there’s no risk – we offer a full refund if we conclude as a result of your Appraisal that we are unable to help you to achieve your objectives.